BonnoujiChapter 35
Comedy Romance

Fate brings two people who live in the same condo together on a typical afternoon. Ozawa (26) has just broken up with her boyfriend of five years and was in the process of trying to rebuild her life when she meets Oyamada who lives a couple floors below her. He is somewhat of a loner although he does have a few friends and his room is cluttered with all the random stuff that his impulse shopper brother sends him. Ozawa takes an interest with all the things in his room and the two start a friendship that slowly turns into something more.Demographic is Seinen, please do not change to Josei or Shounen: http://www.mangaupdates.com/publishers.html?pubname=Comic+Flapper

Pento Hausu (Official)Chapter 42.5

Pen the Penguin lives with his most favorite keeper in the world: Hayakawa the Human. But Pen’s no ordinary penguin... He’s a neat penguin! A proper penguin! A doting penguin! Pen loves to daydream of Hayakawa’s smile as he flips pancakes and folds the laundry with his teeny-tiny flippers. If only his beloved Hayakawa would notice! It’s too bad Pen’s human keeper is a hopelessly lazy university student, but with a little nap and some helpful friends, Pen is ready to tackle the day!